Future of Telemedicine in Healthcare: Predictions, Software Platforms & Challenges

Telecom advances in the healthcare industry are as of now generally utilized and keep on their extension. Be that as it may, some consideration suppliers, healthcare software development organizations, healthcare specialists, and digital advertisers question whether the adoption of every telemedicine software platform is worth investing time and budget.  The purpose behind this vulnerability lies […]

Updated 15 March 2024

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar

CEO at Appventurez

Telecom advances in the healthcare industry are as of now generally utilized and keep on their extension. Be that as it may, some consideration suppliers, healthcare software development organizations, healthcare specialists, and digital advertisers question whether the adoption of every telemedicine software platform is worth investing time and budget. 

The purpose behind this vulnerability lies in the absence of experiences in the telemedicine market. As mobile applications in the healthcare development services industry accept different innovation drifts and change quickly, suppliers, specialists, and patients will appreciate a wide scope of new advantages. Perhaps the most encouraging development around there is telemedicine in healthcare. 

By conveying clinical solutions distantly the importance of telemedicine in healthcare, the future role of telemedicine in healthcare is looking to play a significant part in the development of top tech trends in healthcare during the coming years. 

What is Telemedicine in Healthcare?

Telemedicine alludes to innovations that bring patients and medical services suppliers closer together in a digitized climate. Gone are the times of going to the specialist for a basic cold or minor rash – or possibly that is the guarantee for the top tech trends in telemedicine. 

With telemedicine used in healthcare, patients might have poor quality conditions surveyed by their primary care physician through a mobile phone or personal computer, as opposed to setting a telehealth software for something that can be tended to effectively with over-the-counter drugs. 

Fundamentally, it assists with taking care of the multitude of various difficulties medical services frameworks experience in both outside and inward consideration conveyance. A portion of these difficulties are:

  • declining health outcomes,
  • rising care delivery costs,
  • the influx of patients who live longer with chronic diseases,
  • an increase in competition.

By utilizing the best telemedicine software platforms, medical services providers can expand admittance to the mind and convey video meetings to patients in underserved territories, constantly wiping out outpatients who need everyday observation, and distant patients who find roaming a health-compromising factor.

— Market Stats

The worldwide telehealth market is determined to develop from $25.4 billion in 2020 to $55.6 billion by 2025 with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 16.9%. Such quick development is fundamentally determined by the accompanying elements:

  • Expansion of healthcare solutions according to the growing population.
  • Increment of diseases and chronic conditions.
  • Medical staff is less in the count.
  • Telecom developments.
  • Support from the Government.
  • Increased Patient Awareness.

Far off patient checking and live videoconferencing are the most well-known telehealth software applications. As indicated by the Vidyo Telehealth Adoption Survey 2019, 46% of reviewed healthcare suppliers (emergency clinics and facilities) utilize live videoconferencing, and 41% utilize RPM to convey clinical considerations. The Store-and-Forward area is third with 26%.

— Global Adoption

66% of patients are eager to utilize virtual consideration, and 8% have attempted it, as per the Telehealth Index: 2019 Consumer Survey. Among patients who are eager to utilize associated healthcare, 61% say they’d use it for accommodation and quicker help, and 54% say they’d use it to set aside cash.

Top Telemedicine Software Platforms

To develop and integrate a perfect telehealth software, you will require the best platforms to reach that goal. Here are the topmost utilized examples of telemedicine in healthcare software platforms:

1- OsiriX HD

It is a full DICOM media analyzer that empowers specialists to get to, download, and control clinical pictures utilizing an iPhone or iPad. They can utilize the multipoint contact screen interface to zoom, dish, pivot, and change picture contrast. 

This telemedicine software platform bolsters all imaging modalities, including ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET outputs, and so on, in their local standard DICOM design utilized by the clinical/logical industry. It works successfully with any DICOM viable applications like PACS, clinical workstations, and securing modalities.

2- Fitbit Charge 3

It is a high-level well-being and wellness tracker that casts a ballot as the best wellness tracker of 2018 among all the wearable technology trends. It gives patients well-being bits of knowledge by:

1- Measuring their heart rate 24/7 – because of cutting-edge pulse sensors and calculations, patients can follow their heartbeat and capitalize on their exercise by seeing when they’re in fat consumption, cardio, and top zones.

2- Checking calorie intake – educating patients about the number of calories they have consumed.

It incorporates programmed practice acknowledgment, customized guided breathing, more than 15 objective-based activities, and suggestions to move. It’s water-safe up to 50 meters.

3- Spire Health Tag

It is an astute telehealth software that screens patients’ rest, feelings of anxiety, movement, beat rate, and the sky’s the limit from there. Its innovation is supported by seven years of examination from Stanford University and is suggested by a huge number of well-being experts. 

This telemedicine software platform accompanies an iOS app development solution, which permits patients to screen their growth every minute of every day and get day-by-day significant bits of knowledge and proposals.

4- EpicCare EMR

It is a wandering EMR framework that expands the profitability of doctors by making understanding confronting components of care conveyance easier. This telehealth software is utilized by suppliers from more than 100 fortes.

EpicCare fuses diagram audit requests from the board, and documentation in a framework that learns patients’ inclinations as they work. It sorts outpatient data and incorporates installed analytics and patient management, which bolsters the progress to esteem-based consideration models.

5- Talkspace

Talkspace is a telemedicine software platform that offers admittance to a great many authorized advisors. At first, patients get an evaluation, after which they’re coordinated with the most reasonable specialist. They can choose an installment plan that accommodates their spending plan – plans start at $65 per week.

feature set of telemedicine apps

Types of Telemedicine in Healthcare

Real-time interactive medicine, store-and-forward, and remote monitoring are the three primary types of telemedicine in healthcare. Each of these categories has an impact on telemedicine in healthcare, and when used correctly, they may give substantial advantages to both healthcare practitioners and patients.

1- Real-time Interactive Medicine

Patients who require quick medical assistance might receive spontaneous guidance from interactive services. For this aim, a variety of mediums are used, including phone calls, internet calls, and house visits.

A conversation regarding the patient’s current symptoms and medical history can be done, followed by an examination of their condition compared to those usually conducted during face-to-face medical sessions.

2- Store-and-Forward

Asynchronous telemedicine, also known as “store-and-forward telemedicine,” is a method in which healthcare providers share patient medical information such as imaging studies, lab reports, videos, and other records with a radiologist, physician, or other relevant specialists who may be in another location.

Store-and-forward telemedicine is a systematic technique for primary care physicians, patients, and specialists to gather and evaluate data obtained during an inspection at a time that is convenient for them.

3- Remote Monitoring

Remote patient monitoring, often known as telemonitoring, is a technique that allows healthcare practitioners to keep track of a patient’s vital signs and activities from afar.

This sort of telemedicine is widely used to manage high-risk patients, such as those who have recently been discharged from the hospital or those who have cardiac issues or other chronic ailments. There are many benefits of telemedicine software for patients.

benefits of telemedicine for patients

Telemedicine’s future trends have been around for over 10 years, yet it remains moderately new from a solution viewpoint. Repayment guidelines are divided on a state-by-state premise. 

Also, clinical practices should submit to the standard key guidelines in the business, for example, the HIPAA compliance checklist. In addition, nonadministrative difficulties proliferate, from tolerant mechanical education to the expense of telemedicine adoption in innovation.

1- Security

The best telemedicine software manages individual and classified data. Therefore, such applications should deal with the security and insurance of the put-away and handled medical services records.

A significant phase of telemedicine application development ought to be committed to security matters and discovering methods of how to give information assurance.

2- Lack Of Trust

The absence of patient trust may turn into another tremendous test in the development of telehealth software. To guarantee patients that they can endow their well-being under the control of your primary care physicians, you need to give the assurance of their polished skills, social proof in the types of surveys, and so on.

3- Upfront Cost of Technologies

Another boundary to beginning a telemedicine software platform is cost. Telemedicine innovation isn’t constantly savvy, making it hard for clinical practices on a tight spending plan to swing the necessary overhead speculation. 

Also, if you are in a state where equality laws don’t yet exist or don’t view telehealth software solutions, that speculation could produce next to no return in the close term. Here, the offshore app development cost can be considered a good factor when you look to adopt a good healthcare system.

4- Healthcare industry regulations

The medical care industry is no more bizarre to guidelines. Emergency clinics and clinical practices catch a lot of delicate patient information, the security and the executives of which is administered by government laws like HIPAA. 

Medical services IT items are likewise intensely managed, subject to government laws like the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act.

5- Acceptance of services

The telemedicine software platform stays new to numerous patients, so it is indistinct how rapidly they will acknowledge it. Medical care is a profession, and the appropriation of new administrations and advancements is driven by buyer interest. 

These challenges are not constant, as the technology trends will change with time. This will ensure the time when the healthcare industry becomes stable with the help of these trends. 

How to Select the Best Telemedicine Solution

With so many telemedicine software alternatives available, healthcare mobile app development guide practitioners may find it challenging to choose the finest or most appropriate software for their patients. So, here are some pointers to consider while selecting a telemedicine service.

  1. Hospital-based, physician-centric, and patient-oriented telemedicine software are the three basic categories. Consider your requirements and point of focus before deciding which option to pursue.
  2. Create your business goals and discuss all of the elements that go into selecting the appropriate kind with your staff.
  3. Conduct extensive market research and gain a solid understanding of existing items.
  4. Approach many solution providers for quotes after explaining all of your needs. Once you’ve decided on a solution provider, request a sample version to test the features. This will aid in the evaluation of the program and its performance before making a final decision.
finding ways to grow your business

The Future of Telemedicine: Top Predictions

Telemedicine future trends have for quite some time been an around-the-bend innovation for the medical services industry, offering elevated guarantees and moderate development of telehealth future trends. Presently, nonetheless, it is turning into a habitually utilized apparatus that can save time, and cash and improve quiet results. As the telemedicine market is very large.

telehealth market graph

1- AI-based Telehealth Software 

AI-ML development is en route to changing various areas, and medication is no special case. An expanding number of medical care providers will actualize AI-based software in hospitality for a wide scope of purposes, from deciding skin malignant growth from skin pictures to identifying aspiratory knobs and chest x-rays.

2- Decentralized Healthcare Systems

Medical care experts will in general move from huge emergency clinic buildings and frequently wind up opening more modest local area-based practices. This pattern is especially critical in monstrous clinics that will in general offer their more specific administrations in their concentrated areas.

3- Enhanced Cybersecurity

Since telemedicine future trends depend on creative advances of cyber security challenges, network safety is a central point of interest in its future turn of events. 

The medical care industry has encountered digital assaults previously, and as the telemedicine software platform turns out to be more mainstream, information security will turn into the first concern for medical services providers. 

4- Paratelemedicine Solutions

Crisis responders have a fundamental influence on medical services frameworks since they’re on the bleeding edge of saving lives. The future scope of healthcare in IoT medical clinics will utilize telemedicine future trends to associate paramedics with intensivists, cardiologists, and nervous system specialists to convey care quickly.

How Appventurez Can Help You Build Telemedicine Applications?

The future of cloud computing in telemedicine is clear and adaptable to healthcare frameworks, as there has been a steep adoption of the latest technologies in the market. Appventurez a healthcare app development company has established a stable footprint in the industry with the help of mobile app integrations and with the latest technologies. We are helping companies to upgrade their frameworks with our digital solutions.

contact us if want to develop a user friendly telemedicine software for your users


1- What are the barriers to the progression of telemedicine?

The most significant impediment to the growth of telemedicine services in any country is the lack of a structured organizational framework to offer them. Because it is a hybrid field, it necessitates collaboration with all stakeholders at all levels of the healthcare system.

2- What is the difference between telehealth and telemedicine?

Telehealth is distinct from telemedicine in that it encompasses a larger range of remote healthcare services. Telemedicine is used to describe distant clinical services, whereas telehealth is used to describe remote non-clinical services.

3- How can we improve access to telemedicine in our healthcare system?

Examine current workforce or access shortages and evaluate how telehealth might help with coverage. Examine options for allowing providers to practice beyond state boundaries, such as reciprocity or participation in interstate compacts.

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    Ajay Kumar
    Ajay Kumar

    CEO at Appventurez

    Ajay Kumar has 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, project management, and team handling. He has technical expertise in software development and database management. He currently directs the company’s day-to-day functioning and administration.