Julia vs Python: Who Will Rule the Programming?

With the advent of advanced programming, we have entered the world of open-source technologies. Developers are becoming more aware of the properties and functionalities possessed by these languages. They are becoming easier to attain multiple programming paradigms. Previously, programmers were more focused on C/C++, advanced JAVA, visual basics, etc to build codebases. But today, languages […]

Updated 17 April 2024

Anand Prakash
Anand Prakash

VP – Pre Sales at Appventurez

With the advent of advanced programming, we have entered the world of open-source technologies. Developers are becoming more aware of the properties and functionalities possessed by these languages. They are becoming easier to attain multiple programming paradigms.

Previously, programmers were more focused on C/C++, advanced JAVA, visual basics, etc to build codebases. But today, languages like Python and Julia have established a stable footprint in the 21st-century programming world.

Developers and programmers today work in unique programming languages. This post explains all the factors of two well-known programming dialects – Julia vs Python. One is the most used and preferred while Julia has advanced towards cutting edge AI and ML ventures. 

Among the many use cases that Python covers, developers mostly got significant results without any hassle. The Python programming paradigm is stacked with libraries, and development tools that can be helpful to build dynamic solutions.

Julia was introduced recently with the essence of quick coding and performance as compared to Python. Developers find it preferable for logical and arithmetic coding. Python isn’t quick but is mostly utilized for building machine-learning projects.

To learn more differences between Julia and Python, this post is perfect for gaining knowledge. So, before we jump further into this Julia vs Python comparison guide, we should know them quickly – from highlights to advantages and disadvantages:

What is Python: A Brief Introduction

Python is a programming language that was acquired to ease the work of developers communicating their ideas in fewer lines of code. It was made by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and further created by the Python Software Foundation. Python is a programming language that lets you work rapidly and incorporate frameworks all the more productively. 

Python was also one of the preferred blockchain programming languages of the year in 2018. It is very well known among information researchers and AI experts specifically and is broadly utilized for Artificial Intelligence. 

It was proven as a universally useful programming language that is sans messiness, straightforward, moderate but exceptionally extensible. Python is an incredible fit for amateurs to learn, comprehend, and code in Python.

Before we move on to Python’s advantages and other relatable factors, let’s discuss some of its dynamic programming features:

Key Features

GUI Programming Support: 

Graphical User interfaces can be made utilizing a module, for example, PyQt5, PyQt4, wxPython, or Tk in Python. PyQt5 is the most famous alternative for making graphical applications with Python. 

Enormous Standard Library 

Python has an enormous set of standard libraries which gives a rich arrangement of modules. Hence, you don’t need to compose your code for each and everything. There are numerous libraries present in Python, for example, standard articulations, unit-testing, internet browsers, and so forth. 

Object-oriented Approach 

One of the key parts of Python is its item-situated methodology. This essentially implies Python perceives the idea of class and object distribution. In this manner, permitting projects to be effective over the long haul.

These features are integrating more towards flexible programming and developers will have more access to complex projects. These features result in some great Python advantages and make it an outclass programming language.

Python Advantages

  • Python is anything but dynamic to learn for even a fledgling developer.
  • Its code is anything but relevant to peruse and you can do a lot of things just by taking a gander at it. 
  • You can execute a lot of complex functionalities effortlessly, because of the standard library. 
  • Python has plenty of systems that make web programming truly adaptable. 
  • Offers ascend to brisk advancement by utilizing less code. Indeed, even a small group can deal with Python successfully. 
  • Permits scaling even the most mind-boggling applications easily.

Apart from these amazing benefits, Python has some downsides that can make it less competitive in the future. Let’s discuss them in the next section of the Python vs Julia guide:

Python Cons

  • Python isn’t generally the preferred language for building solutions for portable devices. 
  • Python is certainly not a decent decision for memory-concentrated undertakings. 
  • It’s close to difficult to assemble a high-realistic 3D game utilizing Python. 
  • It has constraints with databases. 
  • Python isn’t useful for multi-processor/multi-center work.

Now that you have read Python’s advantages, features, and drawbacks, it’s time to know the tool or framework to write and run the codebases. Let’s move on to it:

Framework: Django

The full-stack tool Django is one of the most preferred web development frameworks for creating Python applications. Truth be told, it wound up being one of the main web frameworks of 2020. Django structure follows the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) guideline.

  • Key highlights:-
  1. A plethora of ready-to-use libraries
  2. Authentication support
  3. Database schema migrations
  4. Object-relational mapper (ORM)
  5. Support for web servers
  6. Template engine
  7. URL routing

In contrast to other people, the open-source full-stack Python structure offers plenty of highlights as well as individual libraries. Django utilizes its ORM for mapping articles to database tables which is one of the key differences between Julia and Python.

top apps built on python

Python has been an extremely popular choice among developers, and now Julia has come to confront the challenges it has. To start discussing it further in this Julia vs Python guide, let’s know about Julia in brief:

What is Julia: A potential competitor to Python

An ongoing participant is Julia, an MIT-made programming language built with

  • the desire for speedy C language, the easiness of Python,
  • the dynamism of Ruby,
  • the scientific ability of MatLab,
  • and the measurable slashes of R.

Experts portray it as a language for developers “who need everything”

Built up just seven years, Julia is as yet a general niche language contrasted with integrations like Python. However, the newcomer has additionally discovered potential as a language for building machine learning algorithms and models.

It has been expressed that Julia, as a programming language, can contend with and beat the programming king Python. Julia has been rising as a potential contender for Python with prevalent features. Let’s move towards them:

Key features

  • High-Performance JIT Compiler

The Just-in-time compiler is also called a dynamic interpretation, which is an arrangement done during the execution of a program. It can also be used at run time before execution.

Regularly this comprises interpretation of machine code, which is then executed yet can likewise allude to interpretation to another organization.

  • Designed for Cloud Computing

Julia provides some key building blocks for top cloud computing trends. This makes it flexible enough to support some styles of parallelism and allows users to add more. This computation gets distributed across all available compute nodes, and the result, reduced by summation (+), is returned to the calling node.

  • Source-to-source compiler

A Julia2C source-to-source compiler from Intel Labs is available. This compiler is a fork of Julia that implements the same Julia language syntax. It emits C code instead of native machine code, as an intermediate language, for functions or whole programs.

These features can help developers overcome the challenges they face with Python. This results in some great Julia language advantages.

So the next section is about the pros and cons of Julia:

Pros of Julia

  • Julia was made to beat the programming time vs runtime issue. 
  • The implicit bundle director covers 1900+ enrolled bundles (and the number continuously developing). 
  • The most astounding component of Julia is its parallelism. 

Cons of Julia

  • Bundles do have a reasonable piece of bugs, reliability issues, and arbitrary little characteristics. 
  • It can’t troubleshoot tools. 
  • Fewer community networks.

As you have read the pros and cons of Julia language, you will know how to handle the codes using this language. But, which framework is built to utilize it? Get to know about it in the next section:

Framework: Genie

Genie is a full-stack MVC web framework that gives a smooth and effective work process for creating present-day web applications. It expands on Julia’s qualities (elevated level, elite, dynamic, JIT-aggregated), uncovering a rich API and an amazing toolset for profitable web improvement. 

Genie packages a huge number of incredible code generators that handle an assortment of errands, from bootstrapping another application (with the correct record structure and all) to including controllers and models.

top companies using julia

In the light of Julia vs Python speed and programming, it has a lot quicker execution when contrasted with Python and R programming languages. Julia offers help for big data trends by performing complex undertakings. For example, distributed computing and parallelism, assume a principal job in examining Big Data.

As Julia vs Python is about comparing the key factors, you will get all the relevant factors that can make this guide worthwhile for developers to compare. Let’s get started:

Julia vs Python: A comparison worth knowing



Mainstream researchers form a key fragment of the intended interest group of Julia. These communities are unique Android app developers as it centers explicitly around science-based programming. 

Regarding information science, Julia has a preferred position over Python. Julia’s linguistic structure for numerical activities is much the same as how you compose scientific formulae and this makes it a perfect language for logic programming. 

Python is positively easier to use as compared to top programming languages; If you have a place with the logical programming network, at that point Julia will probably be your decision. 

Speed and Accuracy 

It tends to be effortlessly observed that in Julia vs Python speed comparison, Julia gets the incentive. The essential component contributing here is, that Julia isn’t deciphered; it is rather ordered utilizing the quick LLVM system. 

Julia gives brisk outcomes without numerous advancements and is superb at numerical registering. In any case, Python has been enhancing this factor from the front (enhancements to multi-center and equal preparation). 


One of the significant downsides of Julia is that bundles aren’t always kept up. It takes excessively long to do at first plot information anyway Julia can directly interface with libraries in C. Since Julia is moderately new to the way of life of programming, consequently it will require developing libraries to prosper all alone. 

Python, then again, has a lot of libraries and thus it makes the work simple for each extra undertaking. Julia needs the number of libraries that Python has and thus there is an ease because of its rich arrangement of libraries. So in this Python vs Julia comparison, Python leads the way.


Working with the shell is very simple in Julia as all the variables are available in the shell. The language can access shell commands to open, alter, and spare records for different purposes. 

A similar undertaking in Python isn’t so straightforward. Essentially, working with Shell queries is a lot simpler in Julia than in Python. Julia is route ahead of Python in such a manner.

The same comparison has been seen with Java vs Python comparison where Java is more suitable for smoother execution.

Code and Indexing 

This is one of the major differences between Julia and Python, through which developers can judge them and know what’s good for what

It is simpler to change over code from Python and additionally C to Julia. In any case, the opposite way around isn’t unreasonably simple. Changing over code from Python to C or C to Python is far increasingly troublesome. 

In any case, Julia, as a programming language, can interface with outside libraries that are very elegantly composed in C and Fortran. Information can be effortlessly imparted to Python utilizing the Pycall library


Julia is a lot quicker and scientifically better; this aids Julia to serve scholastics better. Julia was established at MIT by academicians, and therefore, it is equipped with scholarly programming, much like MATLAB or Statistica. The fewer bundles and designers utilizing Julia bargain different parts of broadly useful programming. 

Python has a more extensive scope of bundles accessible for various assignments. Such as relational arithmetic (NumPy) to picture controls (PILLOW) and even web development (FLASK).

Python can be utilized as a language for full-stack development and sending apps on the web and in the various work areas of Android frameworks. 


Talking about Julia vs Python communities, Julia has a developing and growing network, however, it is moderately new and, subsequently, a lot littler. Python brags of an entirely tremendous and supportive network.

It is a lot simpler to get help on various sites, including Python documentation and stack flood. The same number of individuals code in Python, which is more than Julia. 

As a fledgling in any language, having an enormous network of experienced engineers that can help with issues/mistakes in code is an immense aid. In this manner, it is fitting that a great many people start with mainstream dialects like Python, C, or Java. 

Tooling Support 

You will like to quit a programming language with incredible tooling bolster when you attempt a product development project. That is a characteristic and normal perspective when you begin taking a shot at any product improvement undertakings. 

In this situation, Python is the path ahead of Julia. Programming communities have built great tooling support for Python, but there is yet a work in progress for Julia.

Julia doesn’t bolster and follow the same number of extraordinary tools for investigating or settling execution issues as Python does. 

Nobody can foresee what will occur later on, yet one can be certain that there will be a savage rivalry between the two dialects. Even though Julia is quicker and considerably more appropriate for academics, Python beats it as far as getting, acknowledgment, and a very much created network.

Julia vs Python Industrial Growth: Jobs & Market Demand

Due to Python’s advantages, versatility, and popularity over the last couple of years, it’s not surprising that the average Python Developer makes $92K per year according to Glassdoor. Its remarkably high volume in the job market shows that Python is so well-versed in today’s job market that it offers competitive salaries throughout the industry.

Over the past few years, Julia has quickly climbed the ranks of the world’s most popular languages. It’s still not as popular as Python but is now a top 50 language in the Tiobe index and is considered one to watch by developer analyst firm RedMonk.   

On average, Julia developer earns around $60k per year as analyzed through the stats of Glassdoor. The market demand for Julia developers is growing rapidly and the software development industry has identified the core significance of these developers.

Moreover, downloads of Julia have grown 78 percent since January 2018, from 1.8 million to 3.2 million downloads. The number of Julia packages from the Julia developer community has also expanded significantly, now numbering 2,462, up from 1,688 packages at the beginning of last year.   

Julia vs Python: the winner?

This above comparison makes it pretty clear that both Julia and Python have a very close relationship. Now the one working in your favor should be your chosen programming language. All that is required is learning and sharpening your skills in these programming languages and then it can be used to attain your objectives.

If you still have some doubts, connect with our experts to explore more about the languages.


Q. Which is the best programming language to learn first?

Python has established its foothold in the past decade and is still chosen by thousands of developers across the world. To start with core programming, Python is the most preferred choice and then it will be better to learn Julia. Since Julia has some properties that Python possesses, it will be a lot easier to learn it once you know about Python programming.

Q. What are the differences between Julia and Python?

Comparing these programming languages from coding aspects, Julia is better than Python in speed and learning. However, Python is extremely popular as an established coding language due to its large community. Moreover, Python is always a better choice for Machine Learning (ML) and Julia is preferred for algorithmic and syntax coding.

Q. Is Julia better than Python for ML projects?

In some aspects like speed and libraries, it can overcome the challenges of Python related to algorithmic coding. However, Python has earned the trust of millions of developers across the world over the past few decades. So, it will be a tough competition between them to make their way toward ML coding.

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    Anand Prakash
    Anand Prakash

    VP – Pre Sales at Appventurez

    Anand specializes in sales and business development as its VP - Sales and Presales. He supervises the pre-sales process by upscaling on establishing client relationships. He skillfully deploys instruments such as cloud computing, automation, data centers, information storage, and analytics to evaluate clients’ business activities.