Top Mobile App Development Frameworks of 2024

Remaining on the ball nowadays implies a business should utilize each apparatus available to it to arrive at more prompts to make more users. One approach to guarantee an ideal budgetary accomplishment in this day and age is the development of mobile applications. Mobile apps are basic for a business to stay focused and can […]

Updated 30 April 2024

Omji Mehrotra
Omji Mehrotra

VP - Delivery at Appventurez

Remaining on the ball nowadays implies a business should utilize each apparatus available to it to arrive at more prompts to make more users. One approach to guarantee an ideal budgetary accomplishment in this day and age is the development of mobile applications.

Mobile apps are basic for a business to stay focused and can be utilized alongside a powerful digital marketing pipeline to bring leads. With more than 4 billion smartphone users, it will be a huge opportunity to bring success to your business using advanced mobile app development technologies.

Applications are accessible for everything, and they work with our day-to-day life. In any event, for organizations, having their application improves their deals, and it furnishes their users with the most straightforward approach to interface with their business. The application is currently at the central point of focus in our lives.

There are a ton of mobile app development frameworks accessible, making it harder to pick which is the best for app development. According to a study by Statista, Flutter is one of the widely popular cross-platform frameworks, which is used by 46% of software developers. Other well-known frameworks are React Native (32%), Ionic (11%), Xamarin (22%), and more.

To know which frameworks work for you, you need to choose the best mobile app development framework in 2024.

Top Mobile App Development Frameworks (Platform-wise)

iOS App Development Frameworks

1 – Ionic

Ionic is an open-source mobile app development framework platform that can offer seamless iOS app development solutions. App development teams love Ionic since they can use a bunch of default UI components like channels, activity sheets, list sees, tab bars, frameworks, and a convenient route menu directly in the plan.

In this manner, it permits teams to zero in on the matter of creating applications as opposed to stressing over UI components.

For any developer acquainted with JavaScript, CSS, or HTML, at that point, the Ionic Framework demonstrates undeniably more sensible than comparative mobile app development frameworks. Moreover, Ionic can uphold applications on Android and iOS gadgets.

2 – SwiftUI

With SwiftUI, every one of the developers’ contemplations are centered around what usefulness the application will have, not how to carry out that usefulness. This methodology altogether accelerates development, which is uplifting news for developers.

It’s likewise worth referencing that SwiftUI is accessible across the whole Apple environment, which implies developers can develop applications for different platforms simultaneously, which is astonishing. 

Later on, it will be feasible to fail to remember that beforehand UIKit framework was utilized only for building iOS app development solutions and macOS. Also, SwiftUI permits your product to match different mobile app development framework settings out of the container, be it the presence of the framework or dynamic text styles.

Android App Development Frameworks

3 – Native Android

Native Android development platform can be considered as the best framework for mobile apps on Android. The SDK gives developers API libraries and developer devices important to build, test, and research splendid applications for the Android Platform.

Developers need to carry out pieces of their applications in native code, utilizing C and C++ in light of the fact that they will actually want to get to a portion of some Android libraries list straightforwardly from their native code.

The Native Android Game SDK furnishes game developers with a fantastic reach with more than 2.5 billion month-to-month dynamic gadgets Android Platform.

4 – Framework 7

The most current around, Framework7 is a full-highlighted Android development platform intended to help developers assemble Android, iOS, and Desktop applications. It is a free and open-source mobile app development framework and all you need to make it work is a basic HTML design and related framework’s CSS and JS records!

In the event that you know HTML, CSS, and a touch of JavaScript – you are near creating applications with Framework7. All things considered, developers who know about the rudiments of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript effectively stream with Framework7.

Framework7 isn’t viable with all platforms however it can facilitate some native features of the iOS platform along with Android app development solutions.

5 – Sencha Touch

Seen as extraordinary compared to other Android mobile app development frameworks native area, Sencha Touch is a venture-first framework worked for native mobile app development. It depends on JavaScript and HTML5, which takes into account making widespread applications for Android.

Companies Using Sencha Touch


Sencha Touch accompanies almost 50 underlying UI elements and native subjects, empowering developers to make engaging and eye-getting applications. This mobile app development framework uses equipment speed increase strategies, so the applications made with its assistance display elite.

6 – Titanium SDK

Here is the best Android framework as indicated by certain developers, Appcelerator Titanium is an open-source platform for building native applications with a solitary JavaScript codebase. Titanium is well known as it considers making multi-platform mobile applications utilizing around 60%-90% of the current code.

The framework utilizes JavaScript performance optimization to guarantee the elite of uses. Titanium can be utilized to foster strong games, while mobile applications work with Appcelerator Titanium can use equipment explicit highlights like Android menu grabs, OS-driven controls, and platform fitting notices.

Cross-platform App Development Frameworks

7 – React Native

On the off chance that you are perusing or doing some examination on mobile app development, you may perceive React Native by Facebook. In 2015, Facebook launched React Native, which is among the best cross-platform app development frameworks.

Right now, this framework is one of the top and most mainstream JavaScript frameworks to beauty the business. Why? Since it is savvy, an incredible life hack, and has a smooth expectation to learn and adapt. 

React Native is one of the go-to mobile app development frameworks of a ton of new companies because of its cross-platform development. It clutches the goal of “Adapt once, develop anything.” 

8 – Xamarin

Microsoft launched Xamarin in 2013 to help .NET developers in building present-day and high-performing applications for Android, iOS, and Windows. Since this mobile app development framework is open-source and cross-platform, developers can share pretty much 90% of their applications across significant platforms.

Step Growth of Xamarin Framework In 4 Years


It shares a typical codebase, which lessens the development time and cost of your mobile application. Xamarin app development solutions have their downsides. In spite of the fact that it is cross-platform, you may have to require knowledge of platform explicit codes. Additionally, it has negligible native area support contrasted with different mobile app development frameworks.

9 – Flutter

Flutter is a cross-platform app development framework. It tends to be utilized to foster mobile, work area, and web applications. The framework deals with a solitary code base, and a solitary code can be utilized to foster Android just as an iOS application.

The framework gives a UI tool compartment and different gadgets that assist in the agreeable and quick development of the mobile application. The Flutter app development framework is created by Google. It utilizes a 2D delivering motor called Skia for fostering the visuals of the application.

10 – Adobe Phonegap

Bought by Adobe in 2011, PhoneGap is a mobile app development framework that pre-owned languages like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform app development. 

The use of cross-platform app development frameworks permits you to create the application for a solitary platform, and afterward, you can utilize a similar code to create the application for different platforms.

PhoneGap makers endeavor to overcome any issues among a mixture and native applications, making a cross-platform app development framework without unexpected intricacies.

Its novel component is that it very well may be utilized to assemble mobile applications utilizing HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript as opposed to utilizing API like Android, iOS, or Windows Phone.

11 – Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is a mobile UI framework (As is obvious from the name!) that permits the making of HTML5 crossbreed mobile applications utilizing a mix of Angular JS and Bootstrap. As indicated by the Mobile Angular UI site, “In the event that you know Angular JS and Twitter Bootstrap you definitely know Mobile Angular UI.”

It is among the top AngularJS frameworks and gives a few parts that are not accessible in Bootstrap 3 like switches, scrollable zones, sidebars, overlays, and so forth and furthermore gives Angular.js mandates to give a superior mobile encounter.

12 – JQuery

JQuery Mobile is a Touch-Optimized Web and mobile app development framework that was created by the jQuery team and delivered in 2010. It depends on HTML5 and can be utilized to make responsive sites and applications that can be used to utilize different gadgets, for example, mobile phones, tablets, work areas, and so on

As indicated by the jQuery team, this takes the “develop less, accomplish more” mantra to a higher level!!! Furthermore, jQuery additionally offers help for various working frameworks, for example, Windows, Firefox, Mac OS, Blackberry, Kindle, etc. (So settle on your decision!)

13 – Nativescript

Upheld by the Bulgarian programming organization Telerik, NativeScript is an open-source, cross-platform app development framework. The applications created utilizing NativeScript share the very API as that of Xcode and Android Studio.

The authority site ceaselessly gives different learning instructional exercises and assets of the framework. It is among the best mobile app development frameworks that are compatible with Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, and Vue.js. NativeScript is appropriate for creating applications for numerous platforms inside a compelling financial plan in less time.

How To Choose The Right Mobile App Development Framework?

1 – Platforms

Maybe, the most basic part of a mobile app development framework is the platform that it is related to and is upheld by its code. Regardless of whether there is an assortment of platforms for mobile applications, there are two significant platforms that go about as industry guidelines: Android and iOS.

Producing for divided OS forms and types, like the numerous Android variations and various iOS adaptations is a significant piece of mobile app development strategies. As should be obvious, picking a framework that upholds the imperative platform for your application is significant.

2 – Platform Feature Support

A few applications in the present environment of mobile applications are cross-platform: they are created to work on an assortment of platforms without recoding for every native framework. This standard assists developers with investing less energy in creating code for explicit platforms.

They utilize cross-platform app development frameworks and help users in that they can regularly acquire mobile applications on an assortment of platforms that they own, taking into account consistent information combinations between frameworks.

3 – Speed Considerations

Native and cross-platform mobile applications, similar to sites, need to work quickly and productively, in order to not make an insensible user experience. This is significant for practically all applications yet is basic for certain applications, for example, gaming applications.

It requires a specific proportion of speed and execution to be usable. Mobile app development frameworks that can help a developer utilize the best code and libraries for ideal speed are crucial for some applications.

4 – Cost of Development

How much does app development cost? – this question arises more often during this stage. At the point when leaders plan the development of another business application for mobile platforms and gadgets, estimating the ROI versus the expense of development is a basic idea while considering the varying expenses of utilizing diverse development frameworks.

mobile app development cost

The expense of fostering a mobile application – which can go from $10,000 to $500,000 – can assist an organization with deciding how much worth they wish to acquire from their application, and how much cash they hope to get from delivering such an application after development with a specific framework, in this way deciding its ROI.

5 – Security Risk

During a time of expanding information penetration, mobile app development frameworks – which should use a blend of programming security, mobile organization (Wi-Fi) security, and mobile network security – are progressively focused on.

Picking a free-from-any-and-all-harm framework so installments and exchanges can be made in a protected climate will pay off in the long haul. Testing and getting mobile applications is not the same as testing and getting different sorts of uses. 

Alongside consenting to information enactments – like HIPAA compliance checklist, CCPA, and GDPR – specific sorts of mobile applications.

For example, banking applications and social media business applications that incorporate an installment framework or door should be solidified, gotten, and tried with hazard appraisals, weakness testing, and down-to-earth infiltration testing.

6 – Enhance Efficiency

While picking the best framework to utilize, working inside the extension – or skeletal code design – of a framework that a developer knows about can help the person in question design the most proficient mobile application conceivable. Picking a mobile app development framework that improves the developers’ experience guarantees the last yield is great.

7 – After-Launch Updates

While thinking about the best framework for mobile apps, pick a framework that improves the mobile app development life cycle, and work progress of the application after its organization. This thought is fundamental since developers should consistently adjust to steadily evolving innovation.

Choosing the best framework for mobile apps requires patience and analysis of these technologies. The most important variables are covered in the above section. You should pick the one that offers plenty of features, and compatibility factors to nurture the development.

Appventurez Take On The Best Mobile App Development Frameworks

We have been building futuristic mobile apps for several years. Our development teams know the utilization of every major technology, made for building complex as well as simple mobile apps. From cross-platform to native app development technologies, we have access to every tool that can meet the needs of our respective clients.

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    Omji Mehrotra
    Omji Mehrotra

    VP - Delivery at Appventurez

    Expert in the Communications and Enterprise Software Development domain, Omji Mehrotra co-founded Appventurez and took the role of VP of Delivery. He specializes in React Native mobile app development and has worked on end-to-end development platforms for various industry sectors.