Product Design Sprint Guide: Processes, Methods, Tools, and Templates

You have a stellar idea for another product, however aren’t sure if it’s feasible, and you’d truly prefer to test it out without squandering a ton of assets. By what method can you rapidly and modestly think of a model? The utilization of a product design sprint process could be one potential solution.  Innovation is […]

Updated 6 March 2024

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar

CEO at Appventurez

You have a stellar idea for another product, however aren’t sure if it’s feasible, and you’d truly prefer to test it out without squandering a ton of assets. By what method can you rapidly and modestly think of a model? The utilization of a product design sprint process could be one potential solution. 

Innovation is progressing rapidly, competition is as furious as could be expected, and users are requesting better encounters to make sure about their steadfastness. Organizations realize that they need to turn out to be more coordinated and remain on top of their business sectors to excel.

Also, this product design sprin guide can assist them with arriving at that objective with no effect on the destinations. Utilizing a product design sprint guide to test groundbreaking and trending app ideas for businesses  ideas may require a few changes to the norm as teams acclimate to the new technique. Before we begin with the monitoring of product design sprint process, we should initially think quickly about it: 

What is Product Design Sprint?

More or less, a Product Design Sprint process is a workshop that permits organizations to diminish the danger related with offering another product or highlight for sale to the public, and to address complex business inquiries inside a brief timeframe. 

A product design sprint process that incorporates individuals from the design team (and different teams) to help design or overhaul an product. These sorts of processes are ideal for idealizing your dispatch of another product. 

In view of the Google product design sprint process, the design sprint guide’s objective is cultivated through a workshop that is normally held more than five days, and covers ideation, design, wireframing and prototyping, and testing – all with a user focused core interest. Google’s sprint strategy is one of numerous methods of handling this, yet any strong field-tested strategy will incorporate outlining the time and approaches. 

Most product design sprint methods are comprised of 5-8 individuals: more modest is better for this speedy test. Search for a decent blend of mastery, abilities and character. We should know the center members of the cycle: 

Lining Up The Experts: Design Sprint Team

Select individuals that are focused on the Design Sprint guide. Each team member needs to commit time for the product design sprint methods and be completely included. 


It doesn’t have to resemble the design sprint guide, however it needs to look sufficient to persuade every other person of the potential. An incredible designer is needed to make your ideas look great, quick.


Eventually, you’ll likely have to construct something. It could be a model or a product variant 1.0, yet the mobile app usability cycle will require an product, and your specialist is the individual to assemble it.

Product Managers

Product managers are a beginning phase however the title isn’t as significant as their capacity to communicate the necessities of the user. A reward would be a marketing expert that knows the market and customer as well as can trending app ideas on paper. Their assessment speaks to the user, yet their yield is your collaboration, in words.

Sprint Experts

The master can be an untouchable or a visionary inside the organization. Search for an accomplice, a master, somebody that very well might have the option to add a piece of data or the seed of an idea that can take the gathering fresh.

In your underlying talks with the specialists, they are focusing on appearing at help. In that equivalent discussion, you may have them set up their supdesignting with you. 

team structure for design sprint

Since you are lined up with the team for product design sprint process, we should kick start off with the bit by bit prdocedure to arrive at your destinations. 

Product Design Sprint Process

A Product Design Sprint process is typically held more than five days, every day relating to an alternate period of taking care of the given issue. Having said that, after numerous long periods of refining our product design sprint guide, we discovered that it is vital to remain adaptable. 

Phase 1: Understanding The Product Design

The focal point of this phase  is to comprehend the business issue and make a guide for the week ahead. Start by social affair bits of knowledge on user needs and business objectives, and survey your innovation abilities.


The point of this eliminate is to discover what abilities are accessible, adjust on the product idea, and gain a more profound comprehension of the customer, users, the business foundation of the product, and the market.


Product vision. The product vision should be made and perceived by the team with the objective that it can give guidance and center for each part of the undertaking as it advances. 

User personas. Make anecdotal characters that speak to target users. This assists with accomplishing a superior comprehension of their necessities, trouble spots, and objectives to reach mobile app user personas, or on the other hand just – Jobs to be finished. 

Stakeholder designning. The reason for each task is to fulfill key partners — like customers or accomplices. It is imperative to distinguish who has the most impact on the venture’s prosperity, and what their assumptions are.

This phase in product design sprint process will help the team’s ideas and information to become gel, and your team starts to frame a methodology or design. Every one of those ideas and tacky notes on the whiteboard should be placed into a guide, which starts to tissue out where the task is going.

Phase 2: Diverging the ideologies

This phase is the place where your team truly goes to work. Request that they put pen to paper and draw their ideas out. Phase 2 is an open door for person (that implies you as well, Sprint Master!) and team conceptualizing.


The focal point of this phase is conceptualizing, ideating features and functions, and examining user streams and excursions.


Service design. Building up a solution outline gives you significant setting by designning user needs and trouble spots across the user venture, combined with user touchpoints.

Also, front and back-end developers and frameworks can be overlaid, permitting you to look at every idea against its place inside the business, and against the requirements of the user.

Read the complete essential mobile app backend development guide  

User/Customer journey mapping. Building a user journey map is an incredible method to perceive how users right now interface with a product or solution, and how they could connect with it later on.

Understanding the key assignments that users need to achieve makes it conceivable to recognize what components will make finishing those undertakings conceivable, helping spot any shortcomings in the product.

When the team finished the activities, the team members will get setting the the design sprint guide where the entirety of their philosophies will be met. (which is the extremely following phase)

Phase 3: Converging the solutions

At this point, you ought to have a lot of ideas to work with. The objective of phase 3 is to distinguish the most ideal alternatives as a team, study them against the general objective, and conclude which will go ahead to be prototyped.


In this phase, you will focus on organizing and plotting the framework development. The team can get to the first test, existing information and the novel ideas they have contributed in the past phase of product design sprint process.


User story designning. Utilizing post-it notes, map the user venture on a level designe screen-by-screen, expecting to follow the longest conceivable way to distinguish every single imaginable screen. Vertically, attempt to characterize segments of the specific perspectives that should be incorporated. 

Random Inputs. One choice for this is to gather information and votes namelessly, so nobody is threatened by solid voices in the gathering. Gathering everybody’s impartial assessment secures against the thought process, a significant ruin of gathering joint effort. 

Unite the team to pick the best design to model. Focus on gathering in one space for the whole day. This should be possible effectively if everybody is in a similar area.

Phase 4: Prototyping

In the fourth phase, you will build up a model that can be tried with users. The key is to build something in only one day, so it should be as low-fi as could be expected under the circumstances, while permitting you to find the solutions you need. 

This is the longest phase of the product design sprint process and can take different structures, which can incorporate a model, a mockup, sketch designs, recordings and online showings. This choice relies upon the test itself.


You will make a form of the product that is sufficiently modeled to test and get input. In this phase, your product design sprint process manager gets to shine.By the finish of this phase, you ought to have a working model which allows you to envision the product idea.


Storyboarding. Spreading out the full user venture through your product not just assumes a basic part in taking your idea from an unfinished copy to a testable model, however it is additionally significant in getting solution from everybody regarding what should be remembered for the model. 

Paper prototyping. A low-fi model permits you to envision your idea rapidly and inexpensively. 

Digital prototyping. Building an intuitive model with a device, for example, Sketch or Invision permits you to test more reasonable collaborations rapidly and without any problem. 

Google Ventures portrays a determination of product design sprint methods to help build up a quick and testable model. The choice relies upon the test itself: Is this an product include? New programming? A promoting effort?

Phase 5: Testing Product Design

In this pivotal phase, you will test your model with genuine users, specialized specialists, and business partners. During this phase, you will get immediate criticism from users, which will permit you to approve your ideas before you put resources into designning and building up the product.


At this phase, the objective is to looking at your idea by testing the model with users. It will incorporate all the perspectives remembered for the product or mobile app development lifecycle to cross-check with the goals.


Lean testing with genuine users. Enlist around five genuine users dependent on the objective user personas that you distinguished on the very beginning. Record the meetings so the design sprint team can pick up prompt input. 

Test by goal. Test your model dependent on a bunch of inquiries or assignments that you pose to the user to perform, and see how they associate with the product to recognize any ergonomic issues or problem areas.

At this phase, the product won’t be awesome, however testing it this way will assist you with recognizing the limitations for additional development, and to gather important data on how usable, valuable, and attractive the product is.

Phase 6: Validation of product

In the last phase, the opportunity has arrived to test your model. You need to actualize the prescribed product design sprint methods and the cycle for approval testing.


The vital goal here is to make your product approved for your business, and as indicated by the prerequisites of your venture.


User testing. The initial step is a straightforward user test. Pool likely users and request that they step through a glance or exam out the model. Request basic criticism and recollect not to ask driving inquiries. 

Protoype pitch. The following phase is to take the model to the partners. An online survey and digital transformation lifecycle can be utilized to assemble criticism and endorsement from partners far and wide. 

Feasibility. At last, the last strategy for approval is a specialized attainability study. This just requires the designing team to approve that they can place the model into creation.

From the beginning of the task, the Sprint Master and the team depend on speed, development and association to address the difficulty they’ve been alloted. An ideal ally to product design sprint process, especially those with far off colleagues, is an online whiteboard which can uphold each period of the undertaking.

Summarizing The Sprint

You need to sum up your discoveries and choose further strategy, utilizing the experiences and information picked up in the Sprint. 

design research process

That is the place where Summary Report becomes an integral factor. The report should respond to the Sprint Questions and the Long-term objective and give clear proposals for the following phases. You’ll send this to everybody in the Sprint. 

Coming up next are a few things you’ll need to remember for this report: 

  • A rundown of what you did every day and the reason. 
  • Brisk Points of elevated level results subsequent to testing. 
  • What worked. 
  • Difficulties, including basic/negative input. 
  • Long haul Goal. 
  • Run Questions. 
  • Return to of the assumptions for the Sprint and how you tended to that.
  • Following phases and Recommendations (productized). 
  • Nitty gritty Prototype Feedback. 
  • A few pictures of the design sprint guide all through the record.

On the off chance that a customer, at that point continues to assemble their product with us, we give a complete venture guide, which separates the undertaking into product design sprint methods, alongside predefined assignments for each phase, so engineers can will work.

What does Appventurez Think Of the Product Design Sprint Process?

Designing a product creates value for your business idea. As explained in this product design sprint guide, several phases included in it delivers the best results at the end. Here at Appventurez, our team makes sure to implement the best methods for delivering the exact product. Using the core methodologies, they ensure the right way of implementing product design strategies.

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    Ajay Kumar
    Ajay Kumar

    CEO at Appventurez

    Ajay Kumar has 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, project management, and team handling. He has technical expertise in software development and database management. He currently directs the company’s day-to-day functioning and administration.