Ruby vs Python: Who is Winning the Competition?

The landscape of programming and coding has undergone a remarkable transformation, courtesy of the latest breakthroughs in the web and app development industry. These advancements, spanning logical intricacies to testing methodologies, have ushered in significant advantages for the app development communities. Within the confines of this blog post, our focus will be on the comparison […]

Updated 5 March 2024

Ashish Chauhan
Ashish Chauhan

Global Delivery Head at Appventurez

The landscape of programming and coding has undergone a remarkable transformation, courtesy of the latest breakthroughs in the web and app development industry. These advancements, spanning logical intricacies to testing methodologies, have ushered in significant advantages for the app development communities.

Within the confines of this blog post, our focus will be on the comparison of two highly acclaimed and widely employed languages and development frameworks—Ruby versus Python. While both stand as next-gen web development technologies, they’ve seamlessly integrated themselves into the realm of ruby on rails mobile app development.

Brimming with exceptional features and dynamic functionalities, these technologies are proving to be a boon for freelancing developers and app development companies alike. Before embarking on a deeper comparison, let’s acquaint ourselves with each one individually. To kick things off, let’s delve into the world of Ruby programming.

What is Ruby?

Ruby was made in 1995 by the famous Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto and was affected by C, Perl, Java, and C++. It is brazenly object-situated; in Ruby, everything is an item. Some well-known locales fabricated utilizing Ruby (on Rails) are Twitter, Hulu, Shopify, and Groupon. 

From the earliest starting point, Ruby’s ethos has consistently been expressiveness, force, and tastefulness. Its committed devotees love it for its ‘rule of least surprise’ – the conviction that a language’s code ought to consistently create as meager turmoil as workable for the designer. 

Additionally, Ruby takes the OOP idea as far as possible. In Ruby completely everything is an item; even worldwide factors are spoken to inside the ObjectSpace object. Classes and modules are items, and capacities and administrators are techniques for objects.

To utilize this popular language, developers need to access a framework. Let’s talk about it in this Ruby vs Python guide:

Top Frameworks

It’s almost impossible to talk about Ruby without talking about Rails. In some ways, Rails has become Ruby. If you meet a Ruby developer, they’re probably also working with Rails. Part of this is just because of the sheer popularity of the Rails framework. It’s a very popular framework that’s gotten a lot of use and Ruby has come to exist primarily as a service to the Rails framework.

Since Ruby vs Ruby on Rails is a different concept, don’t confuse the technologies with each other.

This combo of web development technology offers some powerful and dynamic features. Exploring them will help you to make the solutions more functional and responsive. So, here comes the next section in this Ruby vs Python guide:

Top Features

Open Source Tool

Ruby’s programming practice is totally for nothing out of pocket and can be utilized, replicated, and altered just as conveyed without any problem. Its programming practice to a great extent includes seeing each data or code as an item with its properties and activities.


Dissimilar to object-oriented languages, Ruby programming possesses inheritance property for every single function. Ruby programming language additionally follows the idea of modules called Categories in Objective C. 

Mixin is an added advantage for Ruby programmers as it can allow them to access Modules as methods to recall certain functions. This makes an application more responsive and effective for dynamic user actions.

This feature makes the side better in this Ruby vs Python guide. So, developers might shift their interest more towards this among the top programming languages.

Dynamic Typing and Duck Typing

Ruby is a unique programming language. Ruby projects are not arranged. All class, module, and strategy definitions are worked by the code when it runs. Ruby variables are composed of loosely bound methods, which implies any variable can hold any sort of object.

At the point when a technique has approached an object, Ruby just gazes toward the name regardless of the kind of function. This is duck composing. It permits you to make classes that profess to be different.

Metaprogramming & Scopes

Everything in Ruby is about operating/calling different objects. You can utilize them, learn about them, or even modify them, while your program is running. This procedure is called metaprogramming. The software engineer doesn’t have to proclaim factors or variable extensions in Ruby. The name of the variable consequently decides its extension.


Time Efficient

Codes that are written in Ruby language can be executed rapidly with the Rails system. Moreover, the language is adaptable with different apparatuses of the structure so engineers don’t require a lot of time to coordinate the code. This spares a great deal of time while sending various modules with this coordination.

Quality Standards

Ruby-based applications follow legitimate plan ideal models – code by the show and don’t rehash yourself. While the principal approach improves the usefulness of the applications while the other one ensures there is no code duplicacy. Additionally, the codebase gives a safe method to get to the information through the backend.

Compatible MVC (Model View Controller)

Through the Rails framework, developers can build and utilize the MVC model. This is an added advantage that might not be available with other frameworks or languages.


Little flexibility

About fundamental undertakings and highlights, RoR is practically unchallenged. Notwithstanding, because there is a ton of default, set articles, there isn’t a great deal of space for imagination.

In this way, before you settle on your choice about the structure you need to use for a specific undertaking, you have to consider its fundamental components and whether they are standard or increasingly one of a kind.

Continuous evolvement

It is difficult to state where you should place this point in the advantages or disadvantages of Ruby. When something improves, it’s extraordinary, and it might be difficult for developers to predict them.

Be that as it may, it is something that can be hard to change, particularly for newcomers and tenderfoots.

Performance time

This con of RoR is constantly discussed and it is a subject for conversation and examination with other web application systems. The boot time of the structure is very long, particularly when you work with a huge venture, yet does it likewise concern the runtime speed? Indeed, a lot of designers would contend this isn’t the situation for applications with appropriate advancement.

Programming in Ruby is like getting instant outcomes from the code you execute – it’s expressive as well as interactive. As everything is about creating and executing objects, you don’t need to add primitives to your codebase.

Many popular firms have utilized and still use Ruby programming to make their projects successful. Here are the top apps built using Ruby:

top apps on ruby

After exploring Ruby, it’s time to explore its competitor in this Ruby vs Python guide. Let’s get started:

What is Python?

Much the same as Ruby, Python is a universally useful, cross-stage programming language, made during the 1990s by Guido van Rossum. 

Python is exceptionally adaptable and flexible, which implies it’s an incredible answer for an assortment of fields, including yet not constrained to: 

  • web improvement, 
  • AI, 
  • new companies, 
  • fintech, 
  • the scholarly community and science, 
  • the Internet of Things. 

The utilization of Python across various use cases has been conceivable in enormous part because of its abundance of pre-constructed libraries and systems that make it simpler to execute and convey working arrangements. 

Since it’s anything but difficult to learn, clear to peruse, and easy to write in, Python accelerates improvement without giving up dependability or versatility. Its open and instinctive linguistic structure makes Python an incredible language to learn for fledglings. 

A major comparison is Java vs Python, where developers find both technologies tough to compare. However, both are extensible but still, the Python community is growing popular.

The language appreciates broad help from an assortment of instructional exercises and aides, just as an ever-developing and dynamic network of fans. In 2014, it overwhelmed Java as the most well-known basic showing language at the top US colleges.

To utilize and code with the language, Django is the most preferred framework. To explore more about it, let’s move to this section in this Ruby vs Python guide:

Top Frameworks

Django is the framework that’s kind of the equivalent of Rails for Python. There are several other Python frameworks for web development, but Django is by far the most popular.

  • Similar to Rails expedites the modeling process and acts as an ORM
  • Its goal is to help facilitate the programmer to build something!
  • “Django’s primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites.”

The big way that Django differs from Rails is that Django does less directly for you. This factor makes some developers think- Why is Python more popular than Ruby? You have to get under the hood more with Django and tinker with everything and manually create different routes. It’s more advanced, so it’s a bit more difficult.

It’s a harder framework for beginners to approach because there’s a larger amount of material that you have to cover before you feel comfortable. The other thing that’s tricky about it is that the beginner resources are not as well-developed.

With a powerful framework, Python gets plenty of insightful features. Let’s know about them:

Top Features

Support for GUI

GUI or Graphical User Interface is one of the key parts of any programming language since it can add energy to code and make the outcomes increasingly visual. Python has support for a wide cluster of GUIs which can undoubtedly be imported to the translator, accordingly making this one of the most loved dialects for engineers.

Object-Oriented Approach

One of the key parts of Python is its article-situated methodology. This essentially implies Python perceives the idea of class and item epitome along these lines permitting projects to be proficient over the long haul.

Free + Open Source

Python is an open-source programming language that implies that anybody can make and add to its turn of events. Python has an online discussion where a huge number of coders assemble day by day to improve this language further. Alongside this Python is allowed to download and use in any working framework, be it Windows, Mac, or Linux.


Easy to Code

Python is a very code-reliable language which implies that anybody and everybody can figure out how to code it in several hours or days. When contrasted with other item-situated programming dialects like Java, C, C++, and C#, Python is one of the most straightforward to learn.

Integrated by Nature

Python is an incorporated language essentially. This implies the Python translator executes codes for each line in turn. Not at all like other articles situated in programming dialects, you don’t have to arrange Python code in this way making the investigating procedure a lot simpler and more proficient. 

Another bit of leeway of this is, upon execution the Python code is promptly changed over into a moderate structure otherwise called byte-code which makes it simpler to execute and spares runtime over the long haul.

Highly Portable

Assume you are running Python on Windows and you have to move the equivalent to either a Mac or a Linux framework, at that point you can undoubtedly accomplish the equivalent in Python without agonizing over changing the code. 

This is absurd in other programming dialects, accordingly making Python one of the most versatile dialects accessible in the business.


Not Native to Mobile Environment

Python isn’t local to the portable condition and it is seen by certain software engineers as a powerless language for versatile processing. Android and iOS don’t bolster Python as an official programming language. In any case, Python can be handily utilized for portable purposes, however, it requires some extra exertion.

Problems with Threading

Threading isn’t generally acceptable in Python because of the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). GIL is just a mutex that permits just each string to execute in turn. Thus, multi-strung CPU-bound projects might be slower than single-strung ones. 

Coders need to actualize multiprocessing programs rather than multithreaded ones. That is the thing that we regularly accomplish for information preparation.

Speed Limitations

Python is a deciphered language, so you may find that it is slower than some other well-known programming tools. Yet, on the off chance that speed isn’t the most significant thought for your undertaking, at that point, Python will serve you fine results.

Getting to know this popular language is very beneficial for developers. You will know the popularity when you see which companies are using or using this language to build their applications.

top apps on python

Till now, we have explored a lot about both the development technologies in this Ruby vs Python comparison guide. From features to benefits, there were a lot of pointers that developers will get to discuss.

Apart from individual characteristics, let’s discuss some similarities in both technologies:

Ruby vs Python: Key Similarities

Both Ruby and Python are significant level programming dialects and have extraordinary highlights for building web and application arrangements. In addition, there are a ton of comparative factors between the two dialects. For example, 

  • They’re accessible under OSI-and FSF-endorsed licenses, separately, so you don’t have to pay permit expenses to utilize them or to appropriate programming made with them. 
  • They’re additionally cross-stage, which is advantageous for conveyed groups where individuals may utilize Windows or Linux on their PCs. 
  • Ruby and Python are elevated-level scripting dialects; their projects don’t need to be gathered. 
  • The two dialects are progressively composed, implying that you can utilize a variable without proclaiming it first. 
  • They additionally bolster object-arranged programming (OOP) out of the crate. 
  • Both are accessible using Lambda capacities at Amazon Web Services (AWS). 

Becoming acquainted with what’s basic between these dialects is critical as the engineer will realize how to play precisely with their codebases.

Apart from the common factors, various pointers will tell the differences between Ruby and Python. Let’s focus on the:

Ruby vs Python: Key Differences


The two programming languages are outwardly comparative yet are completely different in their ways to deal with taking care of issues. Ruby vs Python guide can explore them all here.

Ruby is intended to be endlessly adaptable and engaging for software engineers. It permits Ruby to do heaps of little deceives to make an exquisite web system. This can feel even mystical now and again, however, the adaptability can likewise mess some up. 

Python adopts a more straightforward strategy for programming. Its essential objective is to make everything obvious to the developer. This forfeits a portion of the tastefulness that Ruby has however given Python a major preferred position with regards to figuring out how to code and investigating issues effectively.


Both are dynamic, deciphered dialects. Both utilize void areas and don’t have the support made mainstream by C, C++, and Java, among different dialects. These dialects are genuinely adaptable, be that as it may, as uncovered by the ideal models they support: procedural, basic, practical, and object-arranged. 

Some excessively utilitarian style code is far simpler to write in Ruby than in Python, yet Python, regardless of its drive for effortlessness, can be utilized in manners fairly like Ruby. Ruby, be that as it may, will in general be increasingly expressive and strikes somewhat nearer to useful dialects.

Development can be a decision-specific factor for this Ruby vs Python guide. As developers are meant to save their time as well as be more efficient for better outcomes, they will choose development and quality factors more.


As open-source programming dialects with especially lively networks, both Ruby and Python have incredibly complete environments, with libraries that exhibit the intensity of the open-source ethos. 

Pretty much anything you can envision can be cultivated with uninhibitedly accessible open-source bundles in either programming language. For Ruby, programs are to a great extent dispersed using RubyGems, and for Python using the Python Package Index (PyPI).


In this perspective, Ruby has acquired Perl’s way of thinking: There’s more than one approach to do it. In this way, you will consistently discover a wide range of strategies to accomplish an errand in Ruby. Contingent upon who’s composing the code, this may prompt superfluous unpredictability and confusion. 

Then again, Python follows a methodology where effortlessness has more incentive than unpredictability. Subsequently, its way of thinking is: There ought to be one—and ideally just one—evident approach to do it.

Along these lines, even though Python code presumably won’t be the most adaptable, it has a decent possibility of being progressively meaningful to apprentice. This makes it a heavy side in Ruby vs Python comparison.


Python and Ruby have considerable networks behind them. Every people group impacts the course of the language, refreshes, and how programming is constructed. 

Nonetheless, Python has a much more extensive network than Ruby does. There are a huge amount of scholarly use cases in both math and science where Python has flourished, and it keeps on developing in light of that energy. 

Python is additionally pre-introduced on pretty much every Linux PC making it the ideal language for use on Linux servers (otherwise known as. The most mainstream servers on the planet). 

Ruby’s ubiquity commenced when Rails turned out in 2005. The people group multiplied around Rails and has since been staggeringly centered around web improvement. It has likewise gotten progressively different, however not close to the degree of assorted variety that Python has reached.


Openly accessible and prepared to-utilize code is a pertinent factor when you have to settle on a programming language. Python calls them “modules”, then again, reusable code in Ruby is called Gems. 

Be that as it may, the separating factor is sifting; Python libraries permit sifting by classes like “advancement status,” which is more direct than contrasting numerous libraries and physically assessing their code. 

With regards to bundling and Ruby vs Python speed comparison, the two frameworks offer an easy establishment of conditions in your condition. A bit of leeway on the Python side is how a virtual domain empowers you to disengage various renditions of the Python mediator. 

Ruby has a comparative element through rbenv or rvm, however, it is very unwieldy. You can measure this better thinking about your specific case and how much reusable code there is for your motivation.

Learning Curve

Python is hands-down snappier to learn. The linguistic structure is more clear, and it’s progressively coherent to the fledgling. However, past that, you’re going to need to settle on choices on what structure to use past no-frills Python. 

Ruby may set aside more effort to become acclimated to it, however, Ruby on Rails has worked in highlights—like framework and Active Record—to quicken your turn of events. When you know them, you’ll have the option to construct a CRUD application with API access very quickly.


Testing code as right on time as conceivable is significant, much more since quality has been given the primary inclination. That is the reason the test-driven turn of events (TDD) is one methodology you could use to further your potential benefit. 

Even though PyTest and unit tests exist, there is no option to locate a developed system for conducting turn of events (BDD) in Python. RSpec has this job in Ruby, and carry-on appears to take action accordingly, yet it doesn’t look as developed as RSpec.

Anything you can do with Ruby and Rails you could likewise do in Python and Django. Which structure is better isn’t an issue. However, the better question may be: which language is more qualified for you? The answer lies in this Ruby vs Python guide. 

Discussing the victor here, we ought to likewise know which language is requesting in the market. Let’s do an examination identified with occupations and activities:

Job Markets: Ruby vs Python

Overall, a Ruby on Rails designer’s pay is comparatively contrasted with pay rates for other web development advances, for example, with Python or JavaScript. It’s higher than a normal front-end engineer’s pay, which, as indicated by PayScale, remains at $69,411 every year. 

As indicated by Indeed, the normal Python coder compensation in the US in 2020 is $120K every year (or $56.75 every hour). Passage-level Python programmer compensation is $74,435, while center designers gain $100,826. Experienced Python engineers in the USA are paid on normal $127,217 every year.

Both languages are giving a good scope of employment for skilled developers. Even in the future, the languages are meant to give many updates in the feature set which developers will explore and level up their capabilities.

However, there is a slight increase in the salaries of Python developers – which might be due to high-level programming. Else, for a fresher or a just-started programmer, Ruby will be a good option.

Conclusion: Ruby vs Python

If you plan on staying with building web applications, at that point consider organizing Ruby on Rails. The people group is acceptable and they are consistently on the cutting edge.

If you opt to build web applications, you might want to become familiar with a language that is all the more generally appropriate and capable of taking care of information examination. In this situation, Python will be the most appropriate choice.


Q. Which is better, Ruby or Python?

Both Python and Ruby have deciphered scripting languages, not like Java, C++, and other accumulated tools. Even though, ordered dialects will in general run similarly quicker. Ruby on Rails is to some degree more well known as a web improvement apparatus than Django-Python. Python is supported more by scholarly and logical concepts. 

Q. Is Ruby on Rails dying?

The short answer is, no, Ruby on Rails is certainly not a dead language. In all actuality, Ruby just got an ongoing minor update to 2.7 with a 1.7x increment in execution and is expecting a significant update added to Ruby 3 out of 2020. Ruby on Rails isn’t dead, it’s developing.

Q. Is Ruby a good language to learn?

The Ruby community is growing rapidly in the industry. Companies are also looking for skilled programmers that can build dynamic solutions. Learning it will help coders to streamline their careers in the web development industry profitably.

Q. Why is Python more popular than Ruby?

Both Python and Ruby are perfect programming languages and they have gained huge popularity among the developers. Since Python was released first, so developer communities know it better than Ruby. Moreover, there are more projects built on Python than Ruby. That’s why Python is slightly closer to popularity than Ruby.

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    Ashish Chauhan
    Ashish Chauhan

    Global Delivery Head at Appventurez

    Ashish governs the process of software delivery operations. He ensures the end product attains the highest remarks in qualitative analysis and is streamlined to the clientele’s objectives. He has over a decade of experience as an iOS developer and teams mentorship.