The Ultimate Guide To Develop A Doctor Appointment Booking App

A doctor appointment booking app renders a one-tap solution for online doctor consultations, appointments for clinic visits, schedule diagnoses, and fetch personalized prescriptions to elevate user convenience and satisfaction.

Updated 30 January 2024

Ajay Kumar
Ajay Kumar

CEO at Appventurez

A doctor appointment booking app renders a one-tap solution for online doctor consultations, appointments for clinic visits, schedule diagnoses, and fetch personalized prescriptions to elevate user convenience and satisfaction.

Large numbers of us have various recollections related to hospitals and emergency clinics. For medical experts, attendants, and other staff, it’s simply their work environment. Nonetheless, for the patients, it isn’t so consoling. We, as a whole, can recall the occasions when we stood in long queues. Also, to exacerbate the situation the crowded conditions in certain clinics can be further aggravating.

However, because of the doctor appointment booking app, we can avoid any instance of inconvenience.  As of late, the adoption of mobile applications in healthcare has risen greatly across the globe. As indicated by reports, the worldwide doctor appointment app market will arrive at an astounding $280 billion continuously with an amazing yearly development rate of 16%. 

Pressing Need For A Doctor Appointment Booking App

In case you’re hoping to build app for booking doctor appointments, you’re in the ideal spot. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the advantages of this category of app development and relays highlights on revenue models, tech stack, and factors of overcoming high development costs.

Doctor appointment App Market

It is intriguing that the growth of the medical sector was around $26 billion dollars in 2017 with a 17% yearly development. Medical experts in contemporary times are utilizing the top tech trends in the healthcare industry to offer types of assistance to an enormous number of individuals in a quick turnaround time. 

The response to this inquiry lies in the on-demand doctor app development for patients and medical experts. A stage that can end up being a viable option in the healthcare foundations to a few in-office visits.

Examining The Doctor Booking App Development Benefits

Patients are transforming into users who at this point don’t have any desire to invest in planning or rescheduling their medical checkups. They need to rapidly discover experts who can help them, set out to find user surveys, and promptly set up an arrangement. 

That as of now appears enough to urge a consideration supplier to develop an app to make doctor appointments or checkups. Be that as it may, patients’ advantages don’t stop there. Other than the comfort, patients get the following components as incentives:

  • Nonstop admittance to booking choices 
  • A broad registry of accessible experts 
  • Programmed updates and joined with their automated schedules 
  • Capacity to present any current well-being-related docs before an interview 
  • Secure installments by means of the application 

Medical experts have more than comfortable on the line with regard to doctor appointment booking app development. At the point when organizations construct applications for medical checkups, they hope to reduce operational expenses and increment the general number of visits.

Indispensable Features of Doctor Appointment App

To guarantee that your doctor appointment booking app framework is first-rate, you should incorporate these must-have features. For medical experts who oversee significant multispeciality centers and medical clinics, doctor appointment app development will be exposed to any assistance.

Features of Doctor appointment app

Main Profile Dashboard

The making of the two medical experts just like the patient profile is the primary key element of the doctor appointment development. In this, the two medical experts and patients fill significant subtleties to make their particular profiles. The specialist’s profile may comprise the accompanying data.

Search Console

This component enables the patients to look for a reasonable specialist according to their requirements. The patients can look through medical experts utilizing different channels like specialist’s strength, region, the field of care, value, range, ideal time, accessible protection, and more. 

Other than exploring specialist profiles, patients ought to have the option to look for experts utilizing their own words and apply channels, e.g., to discover female medical experts as it were.

Multiple Payment Gateways

Since the world is advancing towards a credit-only economy, you should coordinate an in-assembled installment door in your doctor appointment booking app. This permits your users to make installments by means of digital wallet trends and other payment modes, for example, Mastercard, charge card, and wallet with no problems.

GPS Tracking/Locating

For searching the locations of medical centers, doctors, or stores, this feature will provide all the advantages in your doctor appointment app development.  To guarantee this, your development cycle should follow the underneath rules:

  • The cycle ought to be basic so the users need to make as a couple of activities as could be expected under the circumstances.
  • The cycle ought to be brisk which can limit the handling time.
  • The installment cycle should have first-rate security from tricks and fakes.

There are immense benefits of geolocation-based apps that an organization can experience. And in this case, you will get them to every possible extent without affecting the other relevant factors of your on-demand doctor app development.

Push Notifications

With this component, the users can get push messages on their mobile phones in any event, when they are not utilizing them. What’s more, the administrator can likewise send updates about treatments, medications, and more.

Appointment Booking Facility

When the patient chooses an appropriate specialist, he can send a solicitation for the service. An underlying talk is likewise given with the goal that the patient can examine any extra issues or questions.

When the specialist and the patient are on the same wavelength by talking about everything, the specialist at that point affirms the request for appointments. That’s why the hospital needs an app.

Media Sharing

With this component, patients can share their past medicine and healthcare records with medical experts. This element helps the medical experts in the analysis cycle.

Much the same as a pre-interview talk, archive transferring permits patients to present their healthcare information on the off chance that they have it as MRI or CT examines. This healthcare symbolism will assist them with getting an incentive out of the gathering.


Chatbot integration is the process of seamlessly integrating a chatbot into an existing system or platform to enhance its functionality. Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular as they provide a cost-effective and efficient means of providing customer support and engagement. 

With chatbot integration, particularly chatbots powered on AI architecture like ChatGPT, the doctor appointment booking app can streamline its customer support processes by providing 24/7 automated assistance, reducing response times, and increasing customer satisfaction. Additionally, chatbot integration can help businesses automate repetitive tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources directed toward more strategic activities.

Live video conferencing

Live video conferencing is a significant element of an online doctor appointment booking app. It encourages the users to have individual communications with their app for booking appointments. This component saves users time as they don’t have to visit the centers constantly. 

For doctor appointment booking app development, you should cautiously pick each and every component. These highlights can fulfill the requirements and expectations of patients as well as doctors providing services.

Ensuring Doctor Appointment Booking App’s Compliance To The HIPAA Law

The development of a doctor appointment booking app must ensure the utilization of a protected architecture layout lined up with the HIPAA compliance checklist, particularly HIPAA consistent video conferencing and informing. 

These compliances will incorporate things, for example, encryption (SSL) framework user identifiers, logins, and passwords; different user access levels; very good quality actual worker security; daily reinforcements; solid protection arrangements; and planned logouts.

Some of the things you need to consider —

  • HIPAA-as-a-Service cloud platforms
  • PHI data encryption
  • SSL connections
  • HITECH Act, GDPR, and other regulations

Medical care providers and payers are presently embracing elective techniques to the doctor appointment booking app. In this hunt, present-day advances like blockchain technology in healthcare have arisen as a redeemer that can permit patients and specialists to hold arrangements basically.

developing a doctor appointment app

Revenue Models for Doctor Appointment Booking App

Prior to the start of your own online doctor scheduling app development, it’s imperative to get where and how you’ll get the revenue. There are different kinds of income models accessible for regular checkup programming. How about we view them individually?

Doctor On-demand App Cost

Paid Listing

This model is a shelter for all the specialists who do not prefer similar achievement and openness as that of other effective specialists. They can pay some sum as an expense to get themselves on the rundown of the highlighted specialists. The included specialists are bound to get calls and requests from the patients.

Commission-based Model

This is the easiest income model in which the specialist gives some bit of his expense as a commission to the application proprietor. The doctor appointment booking app gives the specialist a ton of openness and patients. Furthermore, consequently, the specialist consents to pay the piece of his charges as a commission to the application.

In-app advertisement

Aside from the over two choices of accepting commissions and charging expenses for the highlighted list, there’s another route for the application proprietors to bring in cash – mobile app monetization models. Furthermore, it’s by charging expenses for the in-application promotions from intrigued medical services organizations and brands.

Listing The Most Suitable Architecture of Doctor App

For a doctor appointment app development, you should pick the best technology stack as numerous basic highlights are straightforwardly reliant on it. Let’s take a look at the innovations which are required for different highlights.

  • Multiple payment modes: Braintree, Stripe, Google Money, PayPal, eWallets
  • In-app calling and messaging: Twilio, Nexmo.
  • Push notifications:, Twilio
  • Cloud environment: Google, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure.
  • Database: Postgres, MongoDB, Hbase, Integration, Cassandra, Mailchimp.
  • Real-time analytics: Flink, Cisco, Big Data, IBM, Spark, Apache, Hadoop.

The tools should include a complete backend development tutorial as well as the frontend frameworks that can help you achieve the desired doctor appointment booking app.

Step-wise Guide To Develop A Doctor Appointment Booking App

Building an on-demand doctor app development isn’t a thing to be able to execute in one go. You need to follow numerous different tips to guarantee that your doctor appointment booking app is effective.


Above all else, you must be totally clear about all the prerequisites of your on-request application. Besides that, you ought to likewise understand your action plan. You ought to have a reasonable thought regarding your intended interest group. 

It’s fitting to do broad audience research once you zero down on your underlying idea. You can likewise utilize the target user exploration to approve your idea for on-demand doctor app development. A while later, you can concoct different models with minor changes of a similar idea.

Business Analysis

When you zero down on your application idea, you would then be able to employ a group of equipped business experts that can assemble the wireframes and graphs for different use instances of your own online doctor appointment app.

App Designing

The subsequent stage is application design. Here your principle spotlight ought to be on making the plan straightforward and locked in. For superior UX techniques to follow, you can basically diminish the number of steps that are needed for doctor appointment app development.

App Development

The subsequent stage is application development. For this, you need to have a sound comprehension of PlayStore and AppStore rules. You additionally need to recruit a group of developers. 

During the employing cycle, you should offer inclination to applicants that have comparative portfolios and experience of comparable applications. Your primary goal ought to be to guarantee that every one of your developers has the mastery of the necessary technology stack.

Testing & QA

When the application is created, it should experience a bunch of thorough tests and quality affirmation measures. These tests guarantee that the on-demand doctor app development is complete for ideal execution.

You additionally need to guarantee that the application goes through thorough speed testing, unit testing, combination testing, security testing, load testing, and relapse testing.

App Launch

You should guarantee that the dispatch of your own online doctor appointment app is a major achievement. What’s more, for that you need a fabulous pre-dispatch crusade that runs up and down the mobile app development lifecycle

To make the occasion large, you can draw in business chiefs and influencers. Contacting users through different channels is likewise a viable method in your mobile app launch checklist.

The doctor appointment booking app is the new “Uber” for the two patients just like the specialists. Its expanding fame is pulling in numerous individuals including specialists, patients, healthcare organizations, and business visionaries.

How Appventurez Can Help You With Doctor On-Demand App Development Solutions

The medical and healthcare industry has been experiencing huge benefits from the latest technologies, especially mobile apps. We provide on-demand doctor appointment booking app development services customized to feed the preferred target audience. By integrating AI-based functions, and automated resource management, we can help healthcare centers to manage their operations productively with more efficiency.

In addition to developing the doctor appointment app business strategies, designing user interfaces, annotating data, and managing components, Appventurez also provides end-to-end mobile app development services. Moreover, as a doctor appointment mobile app development company, we offer ongoing maintenance and support to make sure the chatbot is updated and improved so it can answer user requests and coordinate with the online portal. We are dedicated to assisting organizations in enhancing customer service, boosting engagement, and driving growth by concentrating on offering high-quality, user-friendly healthcare development solutions.

appointment booking app development


Q. How does doctor-on-demand app work?

To make a doctor appointment booking app, it is crucial to identify the key features and functionalities required such as patient registration, doctor availability, appointment scheduling, and payment processing.

Q. What are the must-have features of a doctor appointment booking app?

Certain must-have features of a doctor appointment booking app include a dashboard, search console, multiple payment gateways, GPS facility, push notifications, media sharing, chatbot, live video conferencing, etc.

Q. What is the average doctor on-demand app cost?

The average cost of doctor appointment booking app development depends on the app's complexity, range of features, API integration, chatbot development, etc. However, the cost bracket ranges from $40,000 to $50,000.

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    Ajay Kumar
    Ajay Kumar

    CEO at Appventurez

    Ajay Kumar has 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, project management, and team handling. He has technical expertise in software development and database management. He currently directs the company’s day-to-day functioning and administration.